
Gain valuable insights to help your organization thrive when you explore the nonprofit articles, perspectives, and advice from the experts at Maximizing Excellence. Our team shares best practices on fundraising, board governance, leadership, volunteer engagement, and more. Check back often for new blog posts!

Partners in Mission and Impact

At Maximizing Excellence, we have a partner-first mentality. We partner with organizationswho want to improve their effectiveness and achieve high impact. We believe we areresponsible ...

Ready or Not? Go with Ready

As a consultant, a donor, or a spectator, my involvement with capital campaigns would beconsidered extensive compared to most. Likely for that reason I was ...

Shifting Funder Focus to Nonprofit
Tech Capacity

Last week a comment about nonprofit overhead being a deterrent to giving prompted me to lecture my dinner companion on the nonprofit starvation cycle. Nonprofit ...

Cheers to 11 Years!

Ever wonder where the week went? That was last week for this gal. It blurred by so quickly I missed Maximizing Excellence’s 11-year anniversary.  Happy Anniversary! ...

National Thank a Volunteer Month

A recent conversation with someone new to Maximizing Excellence brought up this question: who do you work with? We work with organizations who want to ...

How Did We Get Here? Four Lessons Learned After 10 Years in Business

Maximizing Excellence celebrates ten years on July 15, 2020. TEN YEARS! Life sure looks a bitdifferent than it did ten years ago. On July 15, ...

Fundraising in Crisis Formula

Equations can simplify even the most complicated scenarios. Take for instance fundraising intimes of crisis. If your experience has been at all like mine in ...

Leading by Mission

Over 160 nonprofit leaders across South Dakota gathered for the 4th Annual Camp CapacityBuilding in October, facilitated by our firm in partnership with Citi and ...

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