Leading by Mission

Over 160 nonprofit leaders across South Dakota gathered for the 4th Annual Camp Capacity
Building in October, facilitated by our firm in partnership with Citi and Helpline Center.

This year’s theme, Leading by Mission, was built upon the framework that the best decisions
are made with mission in mind. All other elements of an organization’s success stem from those
mission-driven decisions.

Knowing that storytelling is one of the most effective ways to build relationships and motivate
giving, have you thought of your mission statement as a story? It tells the most important story
of your organization in one sentence:

▪ The what and how of your work,
▪ The outcome that follows,
▪ And whose lives you seek to change.

With mission central to decision-making, it is recommended that organizations check in on their
mission statements every couple of years. Click here for our full Mission Statement Checklist to evaluate the health and relevancy of your mission statement.

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